Glossaire des termes

Chez PE Cube, nous voulons offrir plus qu'un logiciel de Private Equity à nos clients : nous souhaitons vous soutenir dans tous les aspects de vos activités quotidiennes. En ce sens, nous partageons avec vous un Glossaire regroupant divers termes du Private Equity. Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les termes pertinents pour l'industrie du Private Equity, ainsi que leurs définitions, telles que fournies par des sources fiables (Sources : Gips®, le Parlement européen, l'ESMA, l'ILPAInvest EuropeInvestopedia, et l'IPEV).

Glossaire Vocabulaire Private Equity PE Cube

Termes par lettre


Tous | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Il y a 8 noms dans ce répertoire commençant par la lettre W.
A type of security that entitles the holder to buy a proportionate amount of common stock or preferred stock at a specified price for a period of years. Warrants are usually issued together with a loan, a bond or preferred stock - and act as sweeteners, to enhance the marketability of the accompanying securities. They are also known as stock- purchase warrants and subscription warrants.

Source: ILPA
Wash-Out Round
A financing round whereby previous investors, the founders, and management suffer significant dilution. Usually as a result of a washout round, the new investor gains majority ownership and control of the company. Also known as burn-out or cram-down rounds.

Source: ILPA
Weighted Average Anti-dilution
The investor's conversion price is reduced, and thus the number of common shares received on conversion increased, in the case of a down round; it takes into account both:
(a) the reduced price and, (b) how many shares (or rights) are issued in the dilutive financing. See Broad-Based Ratchet and Narrow-Based Ratchet definitions.

Source: ILPA
Williams Act of 1968
An amendment of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 that regulates tender offers and other takeover related actions such as larger share purchases.

Source: ILPA
A negotiated agreement between the debtors and its creditors outside the bankruptcy process.

Source: ILPA
Wrap fee
A type of bundled fee specific to a particular investment product. The wrap fee is charged by a wrap fee sponsor for investment management services and typically includes associated transaction costs that cannot be separately identified. Wrap fees can be all-inclusive, asset-based fees and may include a combination of investment management fees, transaction costs, custody fees, and/or administrative fees. A wrap fee portfolio is sometimes referred to as a “separately managed account” (SMA) or “managed account".

Source: GIPS
ILPA: The act of changing the value of an asset to an expense or a loss. A write-off is used to reduce or eliminate the value an asset and reduce profits. The write-down of a portfolio asset to the value of zero, with the result that the private equity investor or investors go without proceeds upon disposition.

Invest Europe: "The value of the investment is eliminated and the return to investors is zero or negative."

Source: ILPA, Invest Europe
An upward or downward adjustment of the value of an asset for accounting and reporting purposes. These adjustments are estimates and tend to be subjective; although they are usually based on events affecting the investee company or its securities beneficially or detrimentally.

Source: ILPA
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