Glossaire des termes

Chez PE Cube, nous voulons offrir plus qu'un logiciel de Private Equity à nos clients : nous souhaitons vous soutenir dans tous les aspects de vos activités quotidiennes. En ce sens, nous partageons avec vous un Glossaire regroupant divers termes du Private Equity. Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les termes pertinents pour l'industrie du Private Equity, ainsi que leurs définitions, telles que fournies par des sources fiables (Sources : Gips®, le Parlement européen, l'ESMA, l'ILPAInvest EuropeInvestopedia, et l'IPEV).

Glossaire Vocabulaire Private Equity PE Cube

Termes par lettre


Tous | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Il y a 3 noms dans ce répertoire commençant par la lettre K.
Key Employees
Professional management attracted by the founder to run the company. Key employees are typically retained with warrants and ownership of the company.

Source: ILPA
Key Person and Key Person provisions
The key senior investment professionals actively involved in the sourcing, analysis, negotiation and subsequent monitoring of potential investments made by a fund are typically identified and named in the fund documents as Key Persons. Provisions are made regarding what happens should any of these individuals cease to devote sufficient time to the fund; so-called Key Person provisions.

Source: Invest EUROPE
Key Person Clause
If a specified number of key named executives cease to devote a specified amount of time to the Partnership, which may include time spent on other funds managed by the manager, during the commitment period, the "key person" clause provides that the manager of the fund is prohibited from making any further new investments (either automatically or if so determined by investors) until such a time that new replacement key executives are appointed. The manager will, however, usually be permitted to make any investments that had already been agreed to be made prior to such date.

Source: ILPA
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